المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : كينيا: طالبات يتظاهرن ويلجأن للقضاء للسماح لهن بارتداء الحجاب

مزون الطيب
18-03-2012, 06:41 PM
خبر من مصادر إنجليزية.

شهدت إحدى قاعات المحاكم الكينية بمدينة "نيروبي" تظاهرة نسائية إسلامية محدودة؛ حيث قامت مجموعة من الطالبات المسلمات بالتظاهر للمطالبة بالسماح لهن بارتداء الحجاب بالمدارس الثانوية.

وكانت المظاهرة أثناء انعقاد إحدى جلسات القضية التي رفعتها "أنيسة بشير" نيابة عن ابنتها، و48 طالبة مسلمة ضد قرار المدرسة الثانوية بمنعهن من ارتداء الحجاب.

وقد أكدت "أنيسة" أن قرار المدرسة غير قانوني؛ حيث أرفقت خطابًا لوزارة التربية والتعليم يؤكد وجوب السماح للمسلمات بارتداء الحجاب، وهو ما عارضته المدرسة بُناءً على رغبتها في الحفاظ على زي موحد يتميز بالحياد وعدم إظهار الشعائر الدينية. المصدر: شبكة الألوكة.

يرجى الإشارة إلى المصدر عند نقل الخبر – شبكة الألوكة.

الخبر من مصدره الأصلي:

Muslim student fights to wear hijab in school

A student who wants to be allowed to wear a hijab in school yesterday demonstrated to the court how the headgear is worn. The hijab, a headgear traditionally worn by Muslim women to preserve their modesty covers the head, neck and ears and only leaves the face exposed. The demonstration was made during the hearing of a case filed by Anisa Bashir on behalf of her daughter and the 48 Muslim students at Kenya High School in Nairobi who want to be allowed to continue wearing the headgear.

Mrs Bashir, who is represented by Omwanza Ombati, said it is the right of her daughter and the other Muslim girls at the school to wear the hijab. She said the decision by the school to deny them this right is illegal. Ombati attached a letter from the Ministry of Education addressed to all heads of public schools saying Muslim students should be allowed to wear the hijab. ''By virtue of the Ministry of Education's instruction, the school is under legal duty to allow the girls to wear the hijab in the school,'' said Ombati.

He said the parents had on many occasions tried to solve the issue amicably but to no avail. The school has strongly argued against allowing the girls to wear the hijab, saying it is against the principle of promoting school uniform for equality. The school, which is represented by Fred Ngatia, said when the student joined it in 2009, she was not wearing a hijab and voluntarily signed to abide by all its rules and regulations.

''Among the rules she agreed to abide by was one which says wearing of school uniform should be strictly observed. The school uniform is considered critical in promoting discipline in the student community,'' said Ngatia. "If the court allows the Muslim students to wear head scarves, this will open a can of worms for all manner of demands for wearing of 'religious' regalia such as turbans, buibui, ornaments and dreadlocks," the school said in an affidavit sworn by the Board of Governors Secretary Rosemary Saina.

رابط الموضوع: http://www.alukah.net/World_Muslims/10345/38058/#ixzz1pUlfiwzV