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نيجيريا: لقاء إسلامي نصراني سعيًا لتهدئة التوتر والعنف بين الجانبين

خبر من مصادر إنجليزية. استضافت "الجمعية النصرانية" بمدينة "كادونا" في "نيجيريا" مجموعة من الشباب المسلم، في لقاء جمع بين الجانين سعيًا لتهدئة الأجواء المتوترة للتصدي للصراعات الأخيرة بين المسلمين

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قديم 16-03-2012 ~ 10:39 AM
مزون الطيب غير متواجد حالياً
افتراضي نيجيريا: لقاء إسلامي نصراني سعيًا لتهدئة التوتر والعنف بين الجانبين
  مشاركة رقم 1
الصورة الرمزية مزون الطيب
الله اكبر
تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2012

لتهدئة, لقاء, التوتر, الجانبين, سعيًا, إسلامي, والعنف, نيجيريا:, نصراني

خبر من مصادر إنجليزية.

استضافت "الجمعية النصرانية" بمدينة "كادونا" في "نيجيريا" مجموعة من الشباب المسلم، في لقاء جمع بين الجانين سعيًا لتهدئة الأجواء المتوترة للتصدي للصراعات الأخيرة بين المسلمين والنصارى التي تشهدها "نيجيريا".

ومن جانبه أكد رئيس قطاع الشباب بالجمعية أن اللقاء يعد نموذجًا للقادة السياسيين في مقاومة النزاعات واستعادة روح التسامح.

وتأكيدًا على ذلك طالب الدكتور "سلميان شينكافي" - رئيس المجموعة الإسلامية - أنه يجب تعاون شباب الجانبين في الوحدة، والتصدي للباحثين عن المصالح الذاتية، وناشد المسلمين والنصارى بالعمل على وقف الاعتداءات المتبادلة والأعمال المسلحة. المصدر: شبكة الألوكة.

يرجى الإشارة إلى المصدر عند نقل الخبر – شبكة الألوكة.

الخبر من مصدره الأصلي:

Nigeria: CAN Offers Praying Ground for Muslims in Kaduna

As part of efforts to foster unity and mutual understanding in the state, the youth wing of the Kaduna chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), has offered a praying ground for their Muslims counterpart.

The Christian youths, who hosted Muslims to a breaking of lent fast yesterday night at the headquarters of CAN in Kaduna, also provided water to their Muslim brothers to conduct their Magrib (night) prayers inside the premises of CAN.

The two religious youth bodies jointly condemned the Sunday church suicide bombing and reprisal attacks in Jos that claimed many innocent lives and also prayed to God to bring a permanent solution to the problem.

In his welcome address, chairman of CAN, Youths Wing, Kaduna State Chapter, Diji Obadiah Haruna said hosting of the Muslims was a great lesson for political leaders to emulate, considering the suspicion and frequent ethno-religious unrest that have be-devilled the country.

He expressed hope that the gesture would restore the lost glory and the spirit of togetherness that had been decimated by some selfish groups and individuals in the name of religion.

The CAN Youth Chairman noted, "'Our quest to bring back the true spirit of togetherness has given birth to an association that will foster unity between Muslim and Christian faithful to continue to live peacefully as one entity who worships the same God.

"The aim of today's gathering is to host our Muslim brothers to break today's lent fast with us as has been the practice many years back, before the unfortunate crisis that tried to divide us.

"Love is the key and even when you are down, you will still need it to prosper. The more you plan for progress, definitely, the more some obstacles will come your way. But I believe we will conquer those evils that do not wish us well.

Leader of the visiting Muslim Group and National President of the African Youths for Conflict Resolution, Dr. Suleiman Shuaibu Shinkafi, called on both Muslim and Christian youths not to allow any group or individual to hide under any guise to divide them for their selfish interest.

"I urge us all to respect each other's religion and to stop the incessant killings and bombings or any act of terrorism against each other through whatever name that both Christian and Muslim doctrine has disowned.

'We pray that God will expose those who want to see us apart and may God continue to join us together in his glory and mercy.

"Today is really a happy day for us and I am calling on our leaders to emulate us in order to foster true unity and growth of the country. I am also calling on all Nigerians from the two religions to continue with these traditions that we believe will bring back the lost unity and togetherness among us and offer us a unique opportunity to discuss our differences," he pleaded.

The occasion attracted dozens of Muslims representatives from different Islamic sects and groups in Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Sokoto, Bauchi, Kwara Zamfara and Jigawa states.

رابط الموضوع: http://www.alukah.net/World_Muslims/...#ixzz1pH6sXl00
المصدر: طريق الخلاص

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