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هدي الإسلام معلومات ومواضيع إسلامية مفيدة

Rebuttals to Christian_Prince of investigateislam.com

Rebuttals to Christian_Prince of investigateislam.com: This page is the main page for my and web sites. They both automatically reroute to this page. AUDIO Debates and Rebuttals:

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قديم 05-04-2012 ~ 09:52 AM
نور الإسلام غير متواجد حالياً
افتراضي Rebuttals to Christian_Prince of investigateislam.com
  مشاركة رقم 1
الصورة الرمزية نور الإسلام
مدير عام
تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2012

christian_prince, investigateislam.com, rebuttals

Rebuttals to Christian_Prince of investigateislam.com:
This page is the main page for my www.investigateislam.NET and www.investigateislam.ORG web sites. They both automatically reroute to this page.
AUDIO Debates and Rebuttals:
  1. My debate with CP on bestiality, Prophet Muhammad allegedly speaking the F*** word, and Sudani man committing bestiality. See how CP was badly silenced on these lies.
  2. My audio-rebuttal to Christian_prince on filthy water, dead dogs in the "well", bewitchment and many points. The alleged dead carcasses were removed from the well, and the well was proven to be "a stream that was feeding the fields". A whole tribe was living off of the well, and they had a "qayyim (caretaker)" that used to attend the well and clean it. New irrefutable evidence was provided that proved that at least one person was assigned as a caretaker of the Well of Bad'aa who used to remove all of the impurities from it. I've also proven from my Arabic dictionary (I've included the book's information and the page number in the audio) that no carcasses were deliberately thrown into the well by any person. At least this is not what Christian_Prince's Arabic text says, and the evidence from my dictionary further proves it. If carcasses were ever present in the well, they would've been brought by the rain floods, because the well was situated in a "sloping ground" as the Islamic sources from Ma'aalim Al-Sunan say, which I quoted.

    The following points were recently added to the video-file:
  3. I fixed the audio-problem of the video file. The audio is now clear.
  4. I added several new Hadiths that demonstrated how Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, relied on Praying to Allah Almighty to cure himself.
  5. I listed and quoted 27 prominent early-Islamic Companions and Scholars who narrated on the mouth of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the Hadith (Saying) that says: "Water remains pure as long as its taste, color and smell are not altered." So, this Hadith is indisputably authentic and strong.
  6. My audio-rebuttal to CP on does Islam really allow sex with animals?
  7. Irrefutable proofs that between her "shiaab (shiaabuha) or shuab (shuabuha)" means between her two ARMS and two LEGS.
  8. Sex with animals is forbidden in the Noble Quran.
  9. Ample Sayings from Prophet Muhammad commanding the killing of those who are caught having sex with animals.
  10. My rebuttal to Nadir Ahmed.
  11. My audio-rebuttal to CP on did Prophet Muhammad really allow the killing of innocent women and children?
  12. My brief debate with CP on Jesus' temptation from Satan for 40 days.
Google Videos and Youtube:
Text Rebuttals:
Rebuttals by other Web Sites:
Other Rebuttals and Articles:
  1. An open challenge to Christian_Prince to debate "Does the Bible promote terror?"
  2. Christian_prince runs away from brother Sami Zaatari's debate-challenge (AUDIO). He also despises females because he called brother Sami a coward and a "female". Also, be aware of this missionary's foul manners.
More pictures of christian_prince: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
More foul insults: [2] [3]

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christian_prince, investigateislam.com, rebuttals

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