EID Quotes



My Dear Sweet Fellow!

How can find a word of wishes
which expresses my feelings to you way
Your smile brightens my life
even more “day bay day”
Hoping sincerely
That this EID Day brings
Warm, Happy hours and
Bright, Happy things….
Light-hearted moments of
Friendship and fun
To help make your EID
A wonderful one…!!!

Those who believe and whose hearts are comforted by the mention of God, aye
by the mention of GOD shall their hearts be comforted.
The koran the chaper of thunder palmer,
may the grace of Allah bring you bliss & happiness always,
“Eid Mubarak”

Wishing you smiles and all things nice.
May this Eid bring all the comforts, you have ever.
“Wish you a very very Happy Eid Greetings my Love”…!!!

Wish you a very happy and peaceful EID Mubarak to you
and all Muslims Brothers and Sisters around the World….!!!



May ALLAH bless you,
accept your deeds in RAMADHAN,
let the provision of taqwa
to assist us thru the months to come….!!!

Have a joyful and enjoyable EID
with your family and friends…!!!


May every blossom in the
garden of life….
brighten your “EID” with joy
and fill your days with the
sweet fragrance of happiness…!!!

“EID MUBARAK” “عید مبارک”

May The Auspicious Occasion Of EID….
Bless Your Home With Happiness

Your Heart With Devotion,
Your Soul With Purity, Peace…
And Bring Joy To your Heart
Friends And Family…!!!

Some words can be left unsaid,
Some feeling can be left unexpressed,
But a person like you can never
be forgotten on this day…!!!!

“Wish you a very Happy EID MBARAK”…!!!

“EID MUBARAK with Best Wishes”

You know it’s Love when all you want
is that person to be happy, even if
you’re not part of their happiness…!!!

My Love,
words however special..
could never ever start,
to tell you all the love
I have for you within my heart…!!!

“I wish you a very Happy EID Greetings”
“I Love you”…!!!

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