How Rushdie Fooled the West .. “THE SATANIC VERSES”

 lovers of Salman Rushdie keep ignoring this lecture may be they are scared Rushdie’s filth will be exposed and truth hurts, i feel sorry for the people who have bought his book and for people who supported him because it will make them look like fools too.
original title : How Rushdie Fooled the West
lecture by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Note : lecture is for true seekers only, people who want to know the truth and remember uncle Ahmed Deedat is reading from salman rushdie’s book which has abusive language example racist, insulting, terrorism, abusive bigot, swearing, bully lingo, insulting white women, attacking all religions. It all was written by salman rushdie and he’s the author of the book “satanic verse’s”.


Innocence of Muslims  , Innocence of Muslims   , Innocence of Muslims   ,

Innocence of Muslims  , Innocence of Muslims   , Innocence of Muslims   ,

Innocence of Muslims  , Innocence of Muslims   , Innocence of Muslims   ,

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