Tagged: Prayer

 Performing the Prayer in Islam

 Performing the Prayer The Intention The intention (niyyah) is one of the conditions of the prayer, without which the prayer will not be valid. The intention is the object for which the prayer is...

The Meaning of Purification in Islam

The Meaning of Purification The Arabic word tahaarah (purification) denotes purity and cleanliness. Allah commands Muslims to purify themselves outwardly from forbidden appearances and all types of physical impurities, and inwardly from the unpardonable sin...

how a prayer could be made in space

Muslim astronaut’s miracle: Call to prayer in space. Malaysian astronaut Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor had travelled to space (2007) as the ninth Muslim astronaut to show how a prayer could be made in space....

Worship and Prayer

Worship and Prayer

Ibadah (worship) is an Arabic word derived from abd (a slave) and it means submission.  It portrays that God is your Master and you are His slave, and whatever a slave does in obedience...