Islamophobia Hurts Aussie Multiculturalism


Islamophobia Hurts Aussie Multiculturalism


Islamophobia Imperils Aussie Multiculturalism


With a vocal minority holding racist views about Islam, a parliamentary report is warning that anti-Muslim sentiments are casting a pale on the success of multiculturalism in Australia.

“The committee’s analysis has revealed that the perception of Islam as a threat has led to serious concerns within the community, which in turn is sometimes used as a justification for aggressive racist attacks and intensifying the marginalization of Muslims,” says the parliamentary report cited by The Australian on Tuesday, March 19.

“This results in and springs from a consolidation of conservative attitudes both within Islamic communities and across the mainstream, with public discussion entrenching fear and alarmist views.”

A two-year inquiry into multiculturalism in Australia has found overwhelming concerns on Muslims and their faith.

It found that out of 513 submissions to the inquiry, 212 raised concerns about or discussed the question of Islam in Australia.

Some 113 submissions objected to the possible introduction of legal pluralism to accommodate the requirements of Islamic Shari`ah.

The report says many submissions asserted that multiculturalism was “laying the foundations for ethnic separatism under increased migration from Islamic countries”.

The parliamentary committee warns that mistrusting Muslims or multiculturalism will never lead to a stronger, richer or safer community.

It advocates a “supportive and flexible approach by respecting other cultures, languages and practices”.

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